
1. A day in the life of a book publicist
2. Guardian blog: Malcolm Knox – Bad people are best (at least in books)
3. Book reviews over at The Book Book blog, the latest review being Ayelet Waldman's Love and Other Impossible Pursuits
4. One Story magazine
5. The Guardian: Adam Thirlwell, John Burnside and Colin Thubron all received Society of Authors prizes
6. The Times: Tim Winton's Breath (JA aka Huge Winton Fan, have you read it yet?) is amongst the 100 best holiday reads, scroll down to see Emily Perkins and Steve Toltz, both great reads, and - weirdly - Two Caravans, not to mention a book called Phallic Frenzy
8. Mark Sarvas over at the Elegant Variation has some interesting things to say about the LA Times Book Review pages
9. The New York Times: Ciao, Papa by Lisa Monroy


LiteraryMinded said...

There's some great reading here - http://www.aldaily.com/, not sure if you're already aware of it :-)

Louise Swinn said...

oh hey that's great - i will link to that tomorrow!