Nina Conti (Bernard's girlfriend, briefly, in Black Books)
I'm looking forward to Jhumpa Lahiri's new collection, Unaccustomed Earth
Readings bookstore
And I'm looking forward to BA Goodjohn's Sticklebacks and Snow Globes
Book- and writing-related things I am excited about, in no apparent order. Please feel free to add yours.
I've seen Nina Conti and her show is nothing to be excited about. Sorry to disappoint. There are better shows, with puppets, in the festival like Sammy J and the Forrest of Dreams.
Josh, that is disappointing, but thanks for the heads-up. I saw her ventriloquism deconstruction on the gala, something akin to this - - and fell off my chair I was laughing so hard. Have you got any non-puppet-related recommendations from a hard-core festival goer?
Of course I do. Word on the street is that Meat the Musical is really quite brilliant. Last night I saw David Quirk and thought he was a little bit of genius.
There are shows I still really want to see and I just wonder when I'll get the time like Justin Hamilton's The Killing Joke and Kristen Schaal.
You can keep up to date with my festival adventures at
I am also excited about the new Jhumpa Lahiri - just got it tiday and the cover (who says never judge a book by it's cover?) is a rich burgundy. I can't wait to get to it. Right now I'm reading all the authors I'll be seeing (can't wait!) at the SWF. Annie.
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