
1. Having read this and this within cooeee of each other, I'm feeling slightly unsettled
2. Wyatt Mason addresses this, asking 'how does one best write about horrible things?'
3. The Guardian: Jhumpa Lahiri wins the Frank O'Connor award, no shortlist given
4. And Nicholas Lezard has something to say about it
7. Maud Newton on Iris Murdoch's The Black Prince. I have adored Iris Murdoch since The Sea, The Sea.
8. James Wood in the New Yorker on Rivka Galchen's Atmospheric Disturbances
10. On Tuesday the 22nd of July, you can catch Russell McGilton's 'Bombay to Beijing by Bicycle' before it goes to the Edinburgh festival. It's cheap at just $12 and it's on here at Glitch in North Fitzroy. Bookings 9486 6965.
11. I've just discovered I've lost, mislaid or lent out Joan Aiken's Black Hearts in Battersea and I can no longer put my hands on it with ease. I'm not excited about that.
12. The New Yorker: 'Animal Tales' by Simon Rich


Anonymous said...

I can't even read the phrase "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" without shuddering. What a perfect story.

that's mister nora to you, sonny said...

Joan Aiken! Have we ever discussed her? (maybe we have and I have drunkenly forgotten it...?)

I had an OBSESSIVE PASSION for her when I was a child to the point of unhealthiness. My favourite was always the Wolves of Wiloughby Chase- I read that book about 28 times I reckon.

Louise Swinn said...

Ronnie - I know what you mean! Every now and then it's time for a re-read, and yesterday was one of those days.

Mister Nora - I don't think we've ever discussed JA, no. Maybe we should set aside a month and call it Joan Aiken month and just do her entire oov-rah?