
Bookslut: 'The book today is Sex Detox. It has a hot pink cover, which I'm naturally drawn to because I'm a woman and my X chromosomes condition me to believe all books with pink covers are meant to enhance my life without putting too much pressure on me to think about stuff, like character development, or language, or plot, or stuff other than shopping and rich men. And high-heeled shoes.'
Book Critics Circle blog: 'Slacking is underrated. I visited the offices of Google not long ago, the New York offices, and the executives that were taking me around explained to me that there's mandated downtime if you're an employee. They want you to take a certain chunk of your week and drift, float around, dream, come up with cool ideas. Maybe you play foosball, flip through magazines, or maybe you just daydream, but you're supposed to take time away from your day-to-day labor.' Jeff Gordinier on How Generation X is Saving the World


Anonymous said...

So...if, for example, I spent the morning teaching Myron the Wonderwhippet to pee on command...that would be a good use of time?

Louise Swinn said...

I think that would be an extraordinarily good use of time, tj - straight to national tv (he'd get his own show, presumably, after it comes out that he can take himself to the toilet, being also a bit of a poet with an incredible command of the english language). You could then send him off to work every day, leaving you with more time to learn some tricks yourself. The perfect circle. You could get a posse of panthers, teach them to write, and spend your days in a spa drinking hennessy. I think you're onto something.